Business Networking with Benin’s Officials

Benin Connect aims to link BENIN and the UK in a broad range of connections to reveal BENIN in a positive development growth. It is with this in mind that Mireille RICHARDS from Benin Connect made official visits last November.

1- Visit of the port of Cotonou, Gateway to West Africa

It is the lung of Beninese economy. It participates in 90% of trade with the outside world and generates up to 60% of the GDP

Introduction Meeting with the Port Autonome de Cotonou – Mr Joris Thys, Director and Mr Kristof Van Den Branden, Commercial and Marketing Director



Meeting with  Mr Bah Roch Abdon, Director IGN. IGN BENIN’s mission is to produce, preserve and disseminate basic geographic information throughout Benin. It is involved in the production of topographic maps, plans, aerial photography, thematic maps, satellite images and any geographic information


We also had a Meeting with the Development Agency of the Sèmè City: The International City of #innovation and Knowledge, a smart and sustainable African city, which will bring together students, researchers and entrepreneurs from different countries within a modern campus specifically dedicated to higher education, vocational and technical training, research and incubation of young companies.
We discussed about the different possibilities to bring the English and Beninese entrepreneurial worlds closer together, promoting business between the two countries, and developing WIN-WIN solutions together.



APIEx, which is the operational arm of Benin’s development policy, is the main tool set up by the Government to promote investments and exports and make Benin a privileged destination for investors. The Agency thus constitutes the central pillar of the new Government mechanism for facilitating relations with the private sector and attracting investment and has become the sole interlocutor for investors. At APIEX, Mireille met Mr Letondji BEHETON, Director of Investments, Promotion and Communication .


4- Ministry of Industry and Trade

Introduction Meeting with Ministry of Industry and Trade. Mrs KOUKOU Felicite, Director of International Trade, Mr Sidi Mahmoud Riadds Technical Adviser


5- Promotion of Pineapple “Ananas Pain de Sucre”

Official présentation Ceremony of the registration certificate of the IGP “Ananas Pain de Sucre” from the Allada plateau in Benin

Introduction with the 1st Vice President of Benin Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr Casimir Migan


6- The Benin Handling National Company of the Port of Cotonou

Introduction Meeting Mireille d’Oliveira Richards from Benin Connect with SOBEMAP (Société Béninoise des Manutentions Portuaires – The Benin Handling National Company of the Port of Cotonou) – Me Amoussou Sossou Bernard, Director.


Introduction Meeting Mireille D’Oliveira Richards from Benin Connect with the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure – Mr AHISSOU Joseph Chief of Staff and Mr Roch C. HOUNDJE – Secretary General


7- Made in Benin Products


Samples of Made In Benin products (Honey, Pineapple, Juices, Spices)

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